Improve your golf swing with Weedon’s Way
As seen in ‘Todays Golfer’ April 2020 edition
Why Weedon’s Way helps you improve your golf swing
The hardest action in the swing is to move the club. This is why golfers often take such a long time to get their swing started. Unlike other approaches, in Weedon’s Way, the golfer doesn’t move the club. They move their legs, their legs then move the hips, their hips then move the shoulders, their shoulders move the arms, their arms move the wrists and then their wrist moves the club.
This is called the kinematic sequence that creates the kinetic chain.
In Weedon’s Way, the legs cause the body rotation against the ground and this creates power. Our research shows twice as much rotational momentum can be created in this way, as in the Modern golf swing. This power creates the shape of the swing, and ultimately, the shape of the ball flight which we call a body draw.Which combined can improve your golf swing.
The Weedon’s Way swing is powered from the ground up, it doesn’t require special moves to get the club on plane or preserve loft or create lag.
A purely uncomplicated swing that is highly effective for a woman as they have more strength in their lower bodies than their upper. Weedon’s Way also uses the biggest muscle in the body, the Glutes. Which when activated creates considerable power and helps to launch the ball far into the distance.
Weedon’s Way is especially important for women beginners who often struggle getting the ball in the air using the conventional technique. We can assure you that our swing will get the ball sailing into the air in the first lesson.
REMEMBER, women have more power in their lower body.
The three biggest muscles in your body are:
- Gluteus Maximus
- Quadriceps
- Latissimus Dorsi
It’s important to note that 1 and 2 on the list are situated below the waist.
It’s essential that these two sets of muscles are activated when swinging the golf club. These muscles are part of the power package (pushing down on the ground with the ground pushing up on the body).
This is the base formula of Weedon’s Way, recruiting the right muscles in the right order at the right time.
Weedon’s BACKSWING sequence:
- Move our legs to
- Move our hips to
- Move our shoulders to
- Move our arms to
- Move the wrists to
- Move the golf club to
- Move the ball
Man vs Woman
Recent statistics show that a woman has 52% of the upper body strength and 66% of the lower body strength of the average man.
Women more than compete with men in the act of squats and lunges but not as much on pull-ups and upper body strength.
Woman are more inclined to use muscular strength for tasks related to flexibility, coordination, and balance while man is built more to carry and lift.
So why on earth would a woman and a man receive the same golf lesson when clearly their biometrics are so different?
Why has there never been a golf swing tailored solely for women?
Well after extensive and published research at the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University and Northern Michigan University we have created the perfect golf swing for women to utilise their strengths, introducing Weedon’s Way!
“A woman can power the ball off the ground as good as any man”
Improve your golf swing

One swing fits all?
We don’t believe so…
Golfers, whether male or female and of all ages are being taught to move the club on a three-dimensional swing plane. We don’t believe this is the best way to approach or to improve your golf swing.
There are various approaches to teaching golf. Men especially have a lot more upper body strength and adhere to the conventional P.G.A modern swing, stack and tilt, one plane, two plane, and right-sided golf methods to name a few. All of these have the dreaded AXIS tilt as their main component. This lateral hip shift occurs on the downswing and is activated in all swings to get the club back to the ball.
The lateral shift in the (so-called) modern swing is essential, driving the hips forward to the intended target. With Weedon’s Way, this is not necessary. This is not a good move for a woman as it doesn’t utilise the strength in their legs
Applying Weedon’s Way would create maximum output for minimum input. It would look graceful to the eye, a slow relaxed back swing while the legs bend and straighten to create huge power and distance.
The Weedonn’s Way swing is powered from the ground up and doesn’t require special moves to get the club on plane or preserve loft, or create lag.
It’s a purely uncomplicated swing that is highly effective for a woman, as mentioned above, because they have more strength in their lower bodies than upper. Weedon’s Way also uses the biggest muscle in the body, the Glutes. Which when activated creates considerable power and helps to launch the ball far into the distance.
Weedon’s Way is especially important for women beginners who often struggle to get the ball in the air using the conventional technique. We can assure you that Weedon’s Way will get the ball sailing into the air in the first lesson.
REMEMBER, women have more power in their lower bodies.
Our students using Weedon’s Way
Lady with back problems
Amelia, a complete beginner
Tara 18 handicap
Paul – 24 Handicap
Charlie – New Golfer